Sunday, January 13, 2008

South Carolina

Me, Momma, Daddy, and the kids took a trip to South Carolina after Christmas. Elizabeth (my sister) , Brad, and the girls went too but they stayed with Brad's dad.

Me and the kids were supposed to stay with my cousin in their new mansion of a house, but they all ended up with the stomach virus so we stayed with my Uncle Mike and Aunt Jeanie. They were great hostesses and we are so thankful that they let us stay with them!

John Evan was a pretty tough traveler! Could it be because I accidently gave him month old milk? That one definately gets me the Mother of the Year award!
Sydney was a great traveler-as always!

Me and my Daddy took turns getting car sick in the back seat!

John Evan only broke one ornament while we were there-so that wasn't too bad. Unfortunately, they had 2 trees up so I had to work double hard to keep him away from them!

Sydney and her cousin, Brianna, watching a movie. Brianna was pretty upset when she found out we were not staying with them so she stayed with us!
It is so funny to me to see the kids with Mike. Mike picks on EVERYBODY! I can remember as a kid being terrified of him, but my kids just loved him!

The girls making silly faces!
This is the only picture I was able to get of AJ!


Hudson spent the night with us Christmas night. They had a blast playing with all Sydney and John Evan's new toys. Sydney got this thing that colors your hair, so after a lot of begging I finally let them do it. Here are the results....

John Evan taking a picture backwards
Grandma Jones is the main reason for our trips. Isn't she cute? She is not doing very well right now, so it was hard to see her that way. Sydney just loves her and prays for her every night. You should hear them on the phone together, it is so cute!
Grandma holding her newest great granddaughter
Our cousins-Ben and Luke
Me and cousin Kristen.


Meghan said...

You guys have such fun family vacations, except for the stomach virus. How cute is your grandma with all the kids and their pj's!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big Luke and Ben are. Luke is almost a man! Scary that he's just a few months older than Chan! Love grandma's hair! I love the picture of John Evan taking the picture.

Anonymous said...

you piling up the kids in the car and driving all that way to see family reminds me of my childhood and us always going up to see my family. i'm glad your trip isn't as long as ours was. poor john you guys believe in the portable DVD players or benadryl?? if we had videos to watch that would have been sweet but the benadryl thing backfired on made emily hyper instead of sleepy!

Adella and Dallas Skinner said...

Girl you are a lot more brave than me. I don't think I could pile up the kids and take them on a ride that long. Just Taylor can drive me crazy being in the car longer than one hour.

Ashley said...

You're so good at staying in touch with everyone in South Carolina. I don't even know who all those kids are at Mike and Jeanie's! I wish I could have gone. Month old milk Caroline! Gross. I was terrified of Mike growing up too!

Jeni said...

Cute, cute pictures. And I love how you're so good to post comments to people's posts so we know you read our blog and like what we have inspired me to do better about leaving comments!