Here is our new armouire in our bedroom (beautiful in person)
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Here is our new armouire in our bedroom (beautiful in person)
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Emma and Sydney
Nicole and Jenny (hiding her beautiful face)
Fabienne and Sydney
Kim, Madison, and Jack came to visit again! We had a lot of fun! Thanks guys!
Family Day at Mercedes
John Evan wearing his tool belt that he got for his birthday
This race was definately a lot tougher. There was a really big hill at the end. Again, my goal was to run the whole time and I did that! YEAH! My time was 31:56 (1:28 faster than last time) I told Chris to go ahead with out me. I wish I would not have done that. About half way through the song"Wish you were here" came on my MP3 player and I was so wishing he was there beside me. IT makes it so much easier to have a partner! Can't wait till the next race!
Me and Chris before the race
Me and Meghan after the race (ofcourse she beat me!)
Chris, Chad, and Chad's friend
Chad and friend bet $50 on the race. Let's just say Chad lost $50 that day!
Last bit of news...........
I am an official LIFETIME member of weight watchers. I have lost over 30 pounds and I feel great! I would like to lose 6 more-so wish me luck. I LOVE to excercise and I am going to work hard to keep the weight off!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Sprayberry Construction Site
John Evan's First Birthday is Under Construction!
Project Date:
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Job Site:
My backyard
Shift time:
RSVP to Project Manager:
John Evan was so sick at his birthday party. He was running a fever and just felt pitiful, but I decided to go ahead with it. Everyone else seemed to have a good time. He never got down and played or anything. He just pretty much stayed in someone's arms and was in and out of sleep a lot.
Opening presentsThe cake
Maw Maw and John Evan
The "dirt cake"
He got a lot of cute BOY toys! He actually perked up a little after the crowd left and played with a balloon for a little while.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Happy Birthday!
Friday, June 01, 2007
We miss our friends!
Here is Madison and Sydney at the reception
Kim and 3 1/2 month old Jack